Sunday, 12 August 2012

Peace and new beginnings…

Quisqueya students will start a new school year tomorrow.  I often like new beginnings; let me rephrase that, I like new beginnings that I initiate and create.  I am looking forward to teaching again and meeting my new class of students.  For the most part I’m feeling ready and organized; I’m also prepared to be flexible and embrace the unexpected that frequently visits my classroom.  I wonder how my students are feeling today, knowing that tomorrow is a new beginning for them…

How do you respond to new beginnings? 
Are you excited?  Uncertain?  Confident? Afraid?

This year feels so much different than when I arrived to teach in Haiti last year.  Last year, so much more was unknown.  The uncertain often increases my level of anxiety.  Trusting God with the unknown can be hard for us human beings who like to be in control. 

I think about Wilson’s new beginning. He is in a new land, and most likely experiencing similar feelings as he embarks on a new adventure; a journey that God has prepared for him. Whenever I’ve moved to a new land, I’ve taken comfort in the fact that God travels with me.  I am never alone, despite what my feelings may say.

Wilson recently reminded me to be attentive to God’s voice and listen to what he is trying to teach me in Haiti.  Wherever we are we must have our purpose in front of us.

As the new school year begins (for those on this side of the world), and a new day begins for others, I’d like to encourage you to do the same.  Pay attention to what God wants to teach you today.  He longs to commune with us, guide us and lead us.

I’d also like to thank those who are faithfully praying for me.  Today I feel peace in my heart, for which I’m truly thankful.  In the last few weeks I’ve had to accept new beginnings that I did not initiate; a new apartment, living alone and Wilson living in the States. Change isn’t always easy for me but I am confident God is holding my hand; I need not fear.  I know that his plans for me are good; I can trust him with my life.  He is with me and will never leave me nor forsake me. 

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