Sunday 31 July 2011

I arrive in Haiti tomorrow...

Finding it hard to sleep tonight.  It's 11:30 pm (Colorado time) and I have to be at the airport by 5:30 am tomorrow.  I remember leaving Melbourne in disbelief that the time had come for me to leave for Haiti.  Now that my short stopover in Colorado has come to an end reality is starting to sink in.  In less than 24 hours everything is about to CHANGE!  Haiti is about to become "home".

Am I ready for it?  I don't know.

But I know I am not alone.  Last Wednesday some Grade 1 students from Christian College Geelong reminded me that God is with me every move I make.  Such a simple truth.

I will put my confidence in my God who has already gone before me.  He is faithful.

p.s.- I'd love to post some pics to make this blog more interesting but it'll have to wait til the end of the month.  My camera is still in transit!  Long story.

Friday 22 July 2011

Eliezaire's story....

Everyone has a story; this is Eliezaire's story...

Today is Eliezaire's birthday;  today he is 8 years old.  Like most 8 year old boys Eliezaire likes playing soccer, riding a bike and playing games.

He lives in Port-au-prince, Haiti with his mother and one other sibling.  Typical houses in Eliezaire's community are constructed of cement floors, brick walls and corrugated iron roofs.

Eliezaire's mother sometimes works as a trader at the local market.  Most adults in his community are unemployed or underemployed earning as little as $US31 per month.  Due to his mother's low income Eliezaire's family struggles to survive. 

Eliezaire has begun attending a Compassion Development Centre in Port-au-prince and needs a sponsor.  Sponsorship will provide Eliezaire with education, schoolbooks, uniform, health and hygiene education, medical examinations, recreational activities and Bible teaching.  

To add to this, sponsorship will provide Eliezaire with HOPE for the future as well as a letter-writing relationship with someone who cares enough to invest in his future!  With your words you can encourage someone to dream and develop their God-given gifts; you can express that you care!

For just $11 a week (or the equivalent of 3 coffees) you can help Eliezaire receive what he needs to break the cycle of poverty.  

Please let me know if you can help; I can't think of a better birthday gift for Eliezaire!!

p.s.- I have until the 31st August to find a sponsor for Eliezaire (after this date he will be added to a priority list of children waiting for a long while to be sponsored).  

Tuesday 19 July 2011

Packing begins.... for the 4th time!

I've actually lost count of the number of times I've rearranged my luggage... how many more times will I have to reorganise my "stuff" before I get it right!

Maybe something has got to leave? But what?

* Mosquito net? (definitely not!)

* Teaching resources? (heavy, but I need them all!)

* Bed linen and towels? (bulky, but one less thing to buy on my arrival)

* Lap top? (useful for communicating to loved ones back home)

Take less clothes?   mmm.... which ones?  I can't decide just yet.

I think it's time to clear my mind of baggage and go for a run!

Saturday 16 July 2011

What will you be doing in Haiti?

I have been asked this question countless times by those curious about my adventure to Haiti.  The more I am asked this question, the more I realise how little I know!

The basics:

* I am moving to Haiti in August to live and teach in Port-au-prince for 2 years

* I will be teaching Grade 3 at Quisqueya Christian School, an English speaking school founded by American missionaries

* I will be working and living with other missionary teachers (including Americans, Canadians, Australians and Haitians)

* I will be paid a minimal wage (one-sixth of an Australian teacher's wage)

What do I hope to achieve?
I want to partner with God and His purpose for Haiti.  God is in the business of restoring people to Himself and bringing Hope to all nations.  On my first visit to Haiti I was overwhelmed and confronted by the needs of this poor nation; poverty is a complex issue and there is no quick fix for Haiti!

Despite the facts and daily reality for Haitians I believe my God is able to bring HOPE and change to this nation.  I want to be a part of His plan to rebuild the nation of Haiti.  I want to live life on purpose by being intentional about what I do each day; by showing God's love to the people I meet.  I want to encourage and motivate others to live their life for God's purpose and to use their unique talents to make a difference to the world around them.

Whether in Haiti, Australia or Timbucktoo... we CAN all make a difference!

Wednesday 13 July 2011

TeacHaiti Deadline Is This Week

An important message from Ben and Katie, on behalf of TeacHaiti...

"Dear friends and Haiti-lovers, You've heard us talk a million times about TeacHaiti: an educational sponsorship program that provides school for the poorest of the poor kids in Haiti. For $350 a year, you can sponsor a sweet little kid to have daily hot lunch, tuition, books, uniforms, shoes, school supplies, immunizations, doctor visits, etc. etc. The 220 kids go to school in neighborhood private schools (free public schools basically don't exist in Haiti), except for about 70 of them in grades 1-4 who attended the new TeacHaiti School of Hope just down the street from Ben and I (and Quisqueya where we teach) in Port-au-Prince.

Each year there are dozens and dozens of new applicants! Lots of kids in line for an opportunity of a lifetime like this. Each year Miquette and her team have to wade through the applications and select the kids who will be accepted.

How many spots will be open for next year? Well, that depends on you, to be frank..."

Ben and Katie in Haiti
(To read more click here on the green link)

Monday 11 July 2011

It shouldn't end at the beginning...

Everyday 22 000 children die, most from entirely preventable causes. That’s one child death every four seconds. We CAN do something about it.

Add your name to an online petition to send a strong message to Australia’s politicians that it shouldn’t end at the beginning! The petition calls on politicians to increase vital investments for child and maternal health.  

Click here to watch the video and sign the petition

This is just the beginning ...

Wednesday 6 July 2011

Another thank you...

The least I can do for those partnering with me and God's purpose in Haiti, is to say "Thank you!"  Today I received a "surprise donation" in the post from Christine at Learning Made Easier.  Initially the agreement was a discounted price but when I opened the parcel today I found a note which said "This is all a gift".

I now have grammar and maths dice, reproducible games, as well as cards with spelling and grammar rules.

Thank you Christine!  May God bless you and your business for your generosity.  I hope this blog gives you some publicity (though at present there are only 3 followers; possibly more on the email list!).

Monday 4 July 2011

The Word for Today

After writing my last post I checked my daily online devotional... My mouth dropped when I read the topic for the day!!

Here it is...

Pray for God's Favour

'I will give [you] favour...' Exodus 3:21 NKJV

God told Israel, 'I will give [you] favour in the sight of the Egyptians: and...when you go, you shall not go empty-handed.' God promised His people two things before they left Egypt: favour with their enemies, and great provision. And when He brought them out, they had both. There's a lesson here. Your trouble is only a classroom-a controlled environment for God to work on your behalf. Look what He used to free His people from slavery and turn their situation around-flies, hailstones and frogs. The things that destroyed their enemies were the very things God used to deliver them. There's nothing God can't do. He can be your doctor, your counsellor, your stockbroker, your lawyer, and anything else you need Him to be. Notice, the frogs that invaded the homes of the Egyptians couldn't cross the property line of God's people. That's because the favour of God will protect you! Think of the things that have come right up to you, but didn't touch you. Ezra said, '...The hand of our God was on us, and He protected us from enemies...' (Ezra 8:31 NIV) Why did the same Pharaoh who repeatedly said 'no' to Moses suddenly say 'yes'? Timing! When the time is right God will move on your behalf. So start praying for favour: favour in unexpected places, favour that moves mountains, favour that opens doors, favour that gives you access to things you otherwise wouldn't have. If you can't cope with the future, check with the past. 'Surely [not maybe!] goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life...' (Psalm 23:6 NKJV)

Thank you for Your favour...

While I have the time I want to begin making resources that I can take over to Haiti such as, 100 number charts, 100 most used words, ten frames, word games, etc.  So this morning I went to Officeworks for some general stationery supplies, such as colored card and laminating pouches and a few other things!  I had prayed before I entered the store asking God to give me wisdom in choosing stationery supplies (i.e.- things that were essential and within a budget) and that I would be wise with the money that has been donated. There was also the possibility that Officeworks would donate the supplies  but I wasn't certain; the email I received from Officeworks a few days ago said they'd consider my request and get back to me within 2 weeks.  I didn't want to wait 2 weeks;  I leave in 3 weeks and I want to begin making resources NOW!

Anyway, in short I spoke with the manager and she was aware of my email.  I walked out of Officeworks with $150 worth of donated stationery!  Thank you God!!  Once again He has provided for the students at Quisqueya Christian School and He has provided for me, their teacher.  I want to give my best to God and to my students; God is making that possible!

I also need to thank Bushfirepress for donating one of their Music Room resources worth $200 and Christian College Geelong for purchasing two more of the Music Room resource books with CD's.  These resources will be well used by the classroom teachers at QCS, such as myself.  From my knowledge they still have a vacant position for a Music teacher.

That's all for now....  Thank you God for Your favour and undeserved grace!

Am I really going?

This month I will depart for Haiti.  The date I leave my family, my home and everything familiar is coming closer and closer.  I sit in my room and wonder.... "Am I really going?"  It seems so surreal.  In the blink of an eye (not quite, more like 37 hours) I will be in a completely different environment.  Yes, I've lived in a far away place before but this is different from previous trips;  I'm going to live long-term in a country that is so different from my own!

But I feel nothing... 

When will it actually hit me that I'm leaving?

I don't know how to prepare myself for this change.  Why do I feel 'numb' to it all?  Will reality sink in when I board that aeroplane or when I feel alone in Haiti?

Thank you God for your promise to never leave me. You know beginning from the end and you have already gone before me.  Thank you for preparing the way; all I need to do is follow You.

Friday 1 July 2011

Give thanks with a grateful heart!

Where do I start?  I am overwhelmed by the amount of donations that I received for Haiti today.

This morning I went to speak to 800 teenagers at Marian College's end of semester assembly.  I graduated at Marian College in 1998 and was invited to speak about Haiti. I was impressed by the College's involvement in acts of social justice.  Despite my nerves, the presentation went well and I pray that God uses my 10 minute talk to inspire others to "live on purpose" no matter where they live in the world.  Thank you Marian College for donating $250 towards school furniture for TeacHaiti.  I will add this to the running tally for TeacHaiti.

This afternoon was also my last day at Melton Christian College.  I have enjoyed working there this term and I commend the staff for being a friendly and supportive community. A few weeks ago Alysia, the librarian at the College, volunteered to help me raise funds to send teaching resources to Haiti.  She took the time to send an email to all staff and collect donations on my behalf.  So far the amount raised is $860!!  I was amazed; I drove home ecstatic about God's provision.  He cares about what I need to teach well in Haiti and most importantly he cares about the students who are going to be blessed by the resources I can now take over.
A BIG THANK YOU to the staff at MCC.

There's more... a secret squirrel left $100 in an envelope on my desk labelled "for Haiti".  THANK YOU... I now know who you are!

And lastly, I received a reply from Genie Educational today regarding my wish list of maths resources. They have decided to donate over $200 worth of maths resources. Praise God!!

I'm not sure if I will be able to sleep tonight; too much excitement in one day!!  Thank you everyone for partnering with me and with God's purpose for Haiti. Today I became aware that I'm not alone in this adventure; I feel "sent" to go and be a blessing.  Though you may not be able to join me physically, I thank God that your heart is with me on this journey!