Saturday 15 October 2011

Dedicated to Jane

Having people over is a good reason for me to cook!!  I love hosting people for lunch or dinner.  Cooking for more than one makes the effort and labour worthwhile. Since living in Haiti I haven't cooked all that much.  On Sunday I rediscovered my passion for cooking.  It's enjoyable and rewarding when one has the time.
The honorable guests who came for lunch. 
Thony hosted my first visit to Haiti in July 2010 and also hosted my stay in December.  He works for World Hope International and the girls in yellow, black and blue are volunteering with WHI for up to a year. Jill, my flatmate, also joined us and Thony's wife Sarah. 

It was a little crazy trying to get a meal ready after church but I did plan early and prepare half the meal the night before.  Here is the result!  A pumpkin, spinach and fetta quiche.  I cheated with the base; I lined the baking dish with French toast.  (Too easy!)

Wish you were here to enjoy it Jane!  Bon Apetit!


  1. Hey kel, looks so delicious. I'm lying under a gum tree outside the 'great' mall in san jose - which closely resembles my idea of hell... I was going to write cards out here but am feeling a bit lazy...

  2. Looks really yummy. Glad you could share your love of cooking with good friends. Keep having fun.

  3. Wish I was there to share it! Glad you're playing hostess with the mostest.
