Saturday 8 October 2011

Haitian Proverbs

Today I bought a book of Haitian proverbs with the aim of learning more Haitian Creole as well as learning about how the people of Haiti think; to take a peek inside their worldview.

Tonight I'm enjoying browsing through the book.  It's so easy to use!  First there's the proverb in Creole, then the literal translation in English and then an explanation in English (for those like me who are cryptically challenged and need the proverb explained).

Here's some food for thought....  or some tasters to begin with:

Degaje pa peche
To make-do is not a sin.
Explanation: Doing what one must to survive is not evil.

Bef san ke, Bondye pouse mouch pou li
God shoos away the flies for the cow with no tail.
Explanation: God takes care of those who cannot help themselves.

Se pa tout moun ki ale legliz pou priye.
Not everyone goes to church to pray.
Explanation: You cannot know another person's motives.

Move zafe pa janm gen met
A mess never has an owner.
Explanation: Nobody wants to take responsibility for a bad situation.

Sa ki fe pwomes bliye, sa k'ap espere sonje
Those who make promises forget, those who are hoping remember.

Translations and interpretations by Wally R. Turnbull

1 comment:

  1. 'A mess never has an owner' - how true. Very clever proverbs which I have enjoyed reading. Keep having fun.
