Wednesday 28 December 2011

Take 2... some pics

Where have I been and what have I been up to during the week of Christmas? 
Here are some pictures to tell the story. (Take 2)

I've been staying here (in the top apartment) with my friend Sarah.
Thank you Mr and Mrs Graham for the opportunity to housesit!  I feel right at home here.
(The building behind the house is the H.O.P.E. Center; the girls orphanage I've been visiting everyday.)

 A view from the roof of the medical clinic which is next door to the Graham's house.  I was up here hanging out my washing.  It reminded me of my days in Malta, hanging washing on the roof.

I love the view of the mountains here and the various crops that are growing, e.g. sugarcane.
This picture of Haiti feels so different from my daily picture of Port-au-prince; the people still live a simple life here, but the clean air and green crops make it feel like a land of plenty.

There's a mango tree in the yard next door that generously drops mangoes into our yard every morning.
We're not sure what to do with this bountiful supply?  Mango sorbet anyone?

Sarah and 3-year old Leah make a beaded bracelet.

Ronise and Berlinda are busy making bracelets too!

Chrisna is proud of her progress!  I love her smile.

I hope to post some more photos of the precious girls I've been spending time with.  
They are so full of life, love and energy!  They've brought much joy to me this Christmas.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you've had a lovely Christmas despite being away from family! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! xx
