Saturday 25 February 2012

6 and half hours later...

There are many things you could do in six and a half hours...  can you think of some?

* cook a banquet for 30 guests

* spend the day at the beach

* shop all day at the mall

* teach 3rd Graders

* sew a few outfits 

You get my drift.

Or you could do what I did...

On Friday I chose to sit down for six and half hours, in the beautiful Haitian sun doing absolutely nothing!!   I will let the pictures tell the story.

Joanne arrives at 10:30am with the fake hair.

The fake hair is twisted around the roots of my hair and then braided.

They are not your regular plaits or braids... it looks like the hair has been twirled.

half way...


getting a little impatient after sitting for 6 hours...


Just after 5pm my hair is finally braided!  I'm told the braids should last 3 - 4 weeks.
  I love having long hair again.

(another pose for you Troy!)

And the cost...
The fake hair was 750 gourdes... Joanne's time cost 750 gourdes...
a total of  USD $37.50.


  1. Love the new look. KHF.

  2. Looks so cool! I love it! Ooo you could wrap scarves or headbands around it and jazz it up. Have fun experimenting!

  3. Love it Kellyanne, it really suits you!! Sally xox

  4. I can't believe you sat still for that long! :) Enjoy

  5. Thanks everyone... my students didn't have quite the same reaction today... "Miss Borg, what have you done?" LOL
