Saturday 13 August 2011

He restores...

Everyone knows the disappointment of having something precious broken.  If you're like me, when something of yours breaks you replay the event in your mind thinking of ways you could've stopped it from happening; you blame yourself for the event and continue to punish yourself with condescending thoughts of how stupid you are!

But this week I've learned to let it go! My broken guitar that is.  I hadn't blogged this event earlier because I had simply accepted that my guitar was ruined in transit from Denver to Fort Lauderdale.  My guitar had made the long voyage across the pacific ocean but couldn't make it in one piece flying across the United States.  Why was I harassing myself about my failure to prevent the event?  Well, the airline crew in Denver asked me if I wanted to loosen the guitar strings before checking it in.  I didn't do this previously but thought it would be a good idea.  Being a novice with the guitar I let the airline staff loosen the strings instead of myself!  I have no idea whether the strings were tightened or loosened.  I'm assuming that the head of the guitar snapped because of too much tension in the strings?  But I may never know.  (sorry too much detail)

Anyway, I've ordered a new guitar and it's on its way to Haiti!  Still the broken guitar got me thinking about spiritual things.  God also doesn't it like it when things are broken. He likes to make things "new"; he fixes what is broken; He restores souls. I thought about painting the word "restore" on the guitar to remind me of this truth.  The broken guitar could remind me of God's purpose for me in Haiti; to restore HOPE to the Haitians.  I've often questioned how I can bring this restoration to Haiti when I myself have things in my heart that need to be restored. Then I remembered that I'm just a tool in God's hand. It is not by my might or power that I can achieve anything, but it it through a life of obedience that God will work through me to restore people's lives; most importantly to restore people in right relationship with Him. God can use anyone who acknowledges their need for Him.

After one night as a decorative artifact the guitar fell on the floor and it's head completely snapped off; I then decided to put it out on the porch with other rubbish that was soon to be thrown in the dumpster at school.  Yesterday one of the guards that watches over our apartment asked me about the broken guitar; if he could have it.  "Sure", I said!  I wish you could have seen the joy and delight in his face upon receiving the guitar.  It touched my heart, I wanted to give him a new guitar not a broken one!

He saw value in what was now trash to me; I thought the guitar was beyond repair yet the guard saw something that was worth restoring!

I'm so glad that God doesn't give up on us no matter how broken we are! Through life experiences we mess up so many times yet his forgiveness and grace is constantly offered to us.  For those who turn to God in repentance He offers a restored soul; a life free from guilt and shame.  My loving God offers a relationship to those who seek Him!  A relationship of unconditional love, forgiveness and faithfulness. 

"The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not be in want.  He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he RESTORES my soul...." Psalm 23


  1. A very encouraging post Kellyanne. Thanks. I needed that.

  2. I'm so pleased that God used me to encourage you form so far away! We should Skype soon... send me an email with a time that suits you.

  3. Kellyanne that's really inspiring and really well written. Miss you!

  4. ha ha... Thanks Elaine! I can't believe I wrote it myself. I needed to reread this post this week to remind myself of the truth that He does restore... though it often takes time; plenty of time in His presence!

  5. Just Beautiful....well said and well written...

  6. Hi kel, great to read your posts and this one has really encouraged me. Praise God that he can restore and use us to glorify him. Love E
