Monday 26 September 2011

A day at the beach...

Beautiful mountain views on the way to the beach.

Art and Miquette; posing as my friends! ;-)
Thanks Art for driving "the gang" an hour and half to the beach and over two hours on our return.

Julie, this pic is for you!

I've enjoyed getting to know Robbie and Irene; they are such a sweet couple!  Robbie is the High school Bible Teacher and Irene is the Guidance Counsellor at Quisqueya.

Overall, it was a quiet and relaxing day with great company!


  1. Beach looks just so beautiful. What a blessing. Really enjoying following your blog. Keep having fun.

  2. Thank you... may you reveal who you are?

  3. Glad u had a nice and relaxing day kel! Xo E

  4. The water is perfect! No stingers? No sharks?

  5. There were jellyfish in the water but I hear they're not deadly. No stingers or sharks that day! Actually, I'm not even sure if that's ever a problem in Haiti; probably not going by a question from one of my 3rd Graders who asked me whether sharks were real.

  6. Ah, this made me chuckle...
