This week I've found many things to be thankful for. They may seem like the smallest things to others, but they've brought a smile to my face upon thinking about them. I don't know where the thoughts have come from... I personally think they're a little gift from above in answer to my prayer for more joy!!
My week hasn't been very different from any other week teaching in Haiti; actually it's probably been the busiest week ever with Creole lessons every night from 5 -7pm after a full teaching day, as well as recovering from a head cold. Yes, I've had to check my attitude a few times this week and keep my feet from falling into the hole of self-pity.
Why is it so much easier to find things to complain about? A good friend of mine, Skids, says that being thankful is a habit you develop. I think the same can be said about thinking negatively... it's a habit; one that I'm working hard at changing!
Anyway, back to my praise points.... this week I'm thankful for:
* the opportunity to see the smallest blessings in my day and give God thanks.
* the blue sky and sunshine in Haiti (I can't even remember the last overcast day?)
This thought crossed my mind as I was on playground supervision this week.
* the hot lunch meals that are lovingly prepared by the staff in the kitchen at QCS (it's so good not having to think about taking a cut lunch to school!)
* the short distance it takes to get to work each morning (literally a hop, skip and a jump away!)
* great company in the evenings; Skids is visiting and she has brought so much interesting conversation to the table each evening. She will be missed! :-(
* a great house mate! Someone to share the everyday stresses of life with and a prayer buddy.
* another "home" to spend NYE!
* a newly painted lounge room (thanks Skids! You get a 2nd mention)
* receiving emails from friends and family back home!
* an opportunity to visit the mountains this weekend.
Bon weekend tout moun!
(Good weekend everyone!)
Yes, thankful for many things. Keep having fun.